Phyllostegia electra is endemic to the island Kauai, Hawaii. This taxon was assessed by
NTBG staff in August 2015, using the IUCN Red List criteria, as Critically
Endangered. Among approximately 15 subpopulations, there are an
estimated 40-50 individuals remaining, and these numbers continue to decline. Phyllostegia electra faces
several imminent threats, including direct competition from non-native plant
species; damage to stems, fruits, and seeds from non-native slugs and rodents;
and habitat and direct destruction to plants by non-native ungulates,
particularly feral pigs and feral goats. Further research is needed to inform
best conservation management actions, including outplanting into a protected and
managed, appropriate habitat. For this project, a student will help to work on the genetic component of this multi-institutional project.