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Elvia Angelica Munoz

Environmental Studies
Humboldt State University
I am a rising senior at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Botany.
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How bad can inbreeding be? Mating system variation and inbreeding in Oenothera primiveris. (2016)
Genetics, Reproductive Biology

What is the effect on fitness for the progeny of Oenothera gayleana and O. hartwegii subsp. filifolia section Calylophus (Onagraceae), due to different forms of pollination treatments?

This is an overview of my research studying morphological characteristics of Oenothera hartwegii subspp. filifolia and Oenothera gayleana from the Onagraceae family, also known as the evening-primrose family.

Final Presentation/Poster