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Pati Vitt
Susan and Roger Stone Curator, Dixon National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank Conservation Scientist
Chicago Botanic Garden
How Does Seed Head Position and Climate Affect Seedling Establishment in Cirsium pitcheri? (2017)
Ecology, Population Biology
Responses to climate change across species ranges: a reciprocal sowing experiment with two closely related legumes (2017)
Sex in an evening primrose: can hand pollination select for traits that make plants less attractive to hawkmoths? (2017)
Reproductive Biology
Demographic consequences of seed germination patterns in Lespedeza leptostachya (2016)
Integrated Conservation of an Orchid Rich Habitat in Door County Wisconsin (2016)
Ecology, Plant Systematics & Florisitic, Population Biology
Seed dormancy, germination, and seedling establishment of Lespedeza capitata and L. virginica in response to climate change (2016)
Demographic consequences of seed germination patterns in Lespedeza leptostachya (2015)
Population Biology, Reproductive Biology
Estimating Impacts of Bison Grazing on Rare Plants at the Nachusa Grasslands (2014)
Population Biology
Interactions between a Suite of Biocontrol Weevils and the Ecosystem of Cirsium pitcheri (2014)
Ecology, Population Biology, Reproductive Biology
Nutrient assimilation and management practice in communities of Cypripedium candidum in the Chicago Region (2013)
Genetics, GIS, Population Biology, Reproductive Biology, Soil & Fungal Biology
Germination biology of Viola conspera, a native woodland violet (2009)
Reproductive Biology
Potential Effects of In-Breeding Among Populations of Lobelia sophilitica (2006)
Reproductive Biology
Effects of Self Versus Outcross Pollination on Pollen Tube Growth in Platanthera leucophaea (2004)
Reproductive Biology
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