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Adam Rork

Maryville University
I am extremely interested in both plant ecology and biochemistry, which makes a project such as "Landscapes of Linalool" naturally interesting to me. I'm primarily interested in the evolution of floral scent, as well as the role that floral volatiles play in pollinator attraction and herbivore repulsion/defense. I'm also interested in protein folding and the biosynthesis of secondary plant metabolites-- in short, one could say that my primary interest is chemical ecology (of plants, primarily).
intern request image
Scent variation: its role in attracting both pollinators and herbivores in Evening Primroses (2015)
Ecology, Genetics, Population Biology, Reproductive Biology
How do the pollination ecology and plant-herbivore interactions differ between natural and common garden populations of ?-linalool producing and ?-linalool deficient Oenothera harringtonii?
Final Presentation/Poster